Personal development notes and experiments

About me

Kasparas Anusauskas profile picture

Hi there. I'm a frontend developer. For the last 4 years I've been working with JS / React, building finance & crypto web apps running in large Docker microservice environment.

I've spent a lot of time on the "dark side" of things including authentication / authorization using custom authorization servers, JWT cookies and willpower to get through that stuff - debugging a lot of things I do not want to debug ever again (but I guess I now can).

I also built landing pages for these apps, typically using either Gatsby or NextJS. This was what I used to specialise at ±5 years ago, and that period of life accounts for another 10+ years of experience.

To be specific, we ran a small company - the "UAB Trys kintamieji", where I both created the designs, and implemented them. We specialised in (very) custom landing pages, presenting complex ideas using well thought-through, rich, animated experiences.

This used to include a fair amount of thinking, product / audience analysis and idea generation, performance optimisation on all kinds of devices. I do miss this stuff a bit, but I still consult my old clients on ways technology can help their products provide additional value.

All in all, I've been working in the field for more than 15 years, and it's incredible how much the field has advanced. I just hope the never ending need to learn will keep me young, forever :) .